I think I am so much more emotionally sensitive than my son has ever been. The essay he wrote for this scholarship and for a college application struck me as very thoughtful in its almost winding perusal of our ancestors and their experiences as compared to what we face today in our own lives.
My son is my only child, and I still do not know if he is truly worried about my prognosis. He holds so much in and for the most part, we are opposites many ways. I do not hold in my emotions on a daily basis, but Will seems to do this, funny thing is though, he may not even FEEL the level of emotionality that I do. This essay he wrote over a year after my diagnosis; told me for the first time, that he was concerned about perhaps losing me to cancer sometime soon. I have not told him the gory details of how aggressive the signet ring call cancer is known to be, but is it really aggressive for every patient? I don t think anyone knows. I love him so much, I will assume it is NOT aggressive in my case.
For now, I will be satisfied if my CT scan from 2 days ago tells us nothing is growing large enough to be seen, and to get him on his way to college- on his adventure to further his survivor genes, much as our ancestors did. I hope and pray with all my being to see him graduate, and have more of our descendants this will be what keeps me going and surviving too.
Lisa Laws, age 51, Apex NC