I’m wanting to rejoin the cancer community, I’ve been away for awhile. I will be 16 years free from signet ring appendix cancer on May 16th!
I am currently working as a clinical nurse specialist and a clinical nurse educator. My CNS job was combined with the educator job recently, so I’ve been very busy and sometimes overwhelmed at work. I work for an LTACH, a long-term acute care hospital. We have very sick patients, many on ventilators and dialysis, so it’s challenging.
I am currently redesigning my web site! I created my first one alone, with some software I bought used- can’t even remember the name of the software but it is no onger produced. That was in 2008. In about 2013 I had a professional redesign it, but in the end was not happy with the result. I now have a new highly recommended web designer, so stay posted! My site is still, though it may become I like .org better for a non-profit.
I hired the designer over 4 months ago and am now just starting to work on editing my web pages and fixing broken links etc. Shame on me!!
Working on the web site takes me back to the first time I created it though, good memories, I had so much I wanted to give back. I still do.
I’d love to hear from any of you still out there! I would love to be in touch again! I’m guessing I don’t have many readers at the moment since I’ve been away so long, but I hope to change that!